Frequently asked Questions

Why do I need a certificate?
The ISO certificate is simply necessary to enhance the image, prestige and credibility of your enterprise, to participate in tenders, to conclude international contracts.
What is the difference between the Ukrainian and the international ISO certificate?
If the certificate is issued by the Certification Authority, which is accredited by the National Agency with the accreditation of Ukraine (NAAU), this certificate is both Ukrainian and international. Since NAAU is a signatory of a bilateral agreement with European cooperation with accreditation (EA) on the recognition of certificates, including on management systems.
How much does certification work for the management system cost?
The cost of performing certification work depends on the complexity of the management system and the size of the enterprise. The cost is calculated on the basis of the number of hours required for a group of auditors to conduct a certification audit.
What are the terms of the certification work?
The timing of the certification work depends on the size of the enterprise, the extent to which the enterprise is ready for certification, and the complexity of the management system. The standard period of work is 30 calendar days.