NAAU participation in the annual meeting of the ILAC General Assembly

On October 22, 2020, the annual meeting of the General Assembly of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) was held, which was attended by heads of national accreditation bodies, including the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine, and international institutions with the status of official stakeholders ILAC.

During the remote discussion, the results of the work and the main achievements of the organization in 2019-2020 were discussed. Reports on the work of ILAC committees and regional cooperation organizations were presented and approved separately.

NAAU is a full member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and a signatory to the Mutual Recognition Agreement (ILAC MRA) in the areas of accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories and inspection bodies.


Implementation of the national standard DSTU STANAG 4107: 2018

We would like to inform you that NASTU has implemented the DSTU standard STANAG 4107: 2018 (STANAG 4107 Ed: 10 / AQAP-2110 Ed. D Ver. 1, IDT) NATO requirements for design, development and manufacture.

As part of the reforms in the security and defense sector of Ukraine, on January 1, 2019 came into force the national standard DSTU STANAG 4107: 2018 based on the international AQAP 2110, which establishes and defines methods, procedures, terminology and conditions for unification within a single armed forces among the member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

This standard applies to the management system of enterprises specializing in the development and manufacture of military or special purpose products supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO member countries.

We would like to inform you that NAAU is carrying out works on initial accreditation, re-evaluation and expansion of the scope of accreditation with inclusion in the scope of DSTU STANAG 4107: 2018 (STANAG 4107 Ed: 10 / AQAP-2110 Ed. D Ver. 1, IDT) for management system certification bodies accredited in accordance with DSTU EN ISO / IEC 17021-1: 2017.