The management system certification body of IITK LLC supports the certification based on the demonstration that the client continues to meet the requirements of the management system standard (DSTU ISO 9001: 2015 (ISO 9001: 2015, IDT), DSTU ISO / IEC 27001: 2015 / IEC 27001: 2013; Cor 1: 2014, IDT), DSTU ISO 22000: 2007 (ISO 22000: 2005, IDT).

The management system certification body of IITK LLC may support the client’s certification based on the positive conclusion of the head of the audit team without further independent verification, provided that:

for any material nonconformity or other situation that may result in the suspension or revocation of certification, the certification body shall have a system that requires the audit team leader to notify the certification body of the need to initiate an inspection by appropriate competent personnel who have not conducted audit to determine whether certification can be maintained;
the competent staff of the certification body oversees its oversight activities, including monitoring the reporting by its auditors to confirm that the certification activities are being carried out effectively.


Surveillance activities

The Management Systems Certification Body of IITK LLC plans its monitoring activities in such a way as to regularly monitor the representative objects and functions covered by the management system, as well as to take into account changes in the certified client and its management system.

Supervision activities include on-site audits, during which the certified client’s management system assesses compliance with the established requirements of the standard for which the certification has been granted. Other surveillance actions may include:

inquiries from the certification body to the certified client regarding aspects of certification;
analysis of any statements of a certified client regarding his actions (for example, advertising materials, website);
requests to the certified client for the provision of documents and records (on paper or electronic media);
other measures to monitor the work of a certified client.

Oversight audits are on-site audits, but not necessarily full system audits, that should be planned together with other oversight activities so that the certification body is able to maintain assurance that the certified client management system continues to meet the requirements of periods between re-certification audits. Each oversight of the relevant management systems standard should include:

internal audits and analysis by management;
verification of actions taken on non-conformities identified during the previous audit;
consideration of complaints;
efficiency of the management system in accordance with the achievement by the certified client of the tasks and the planned results of the corresponding management system (s);
f) the course of implementation of planned actions aimed at continuous improvement;
constant operational control;
checking for any changes;
use of marks and / or any other references to certification.



Re-certification activities include the analysis of previous supervisory audit reports and the effectiveness of the management system during the last certification cycle.

In situations where there have been significant changes in the management system, in the client or in the context of the functioning of the management system (for example, changes in legislation), during the re-certification audit activity there may be a need for a first stage audit.

Such situations may arise at any time during the certification cycle and the management system certification body may need to conduct a special audit, which may consist of one or two stages.

The re-certification audit covers the on-site audit and takes into account:

the effectiveness of the management system as a whole, taking into account internal and external changes and its constant compliance and suitability in the field of certification;
demonstrated fulfillment of commitments to maintain efficiency and improve the management system in order to improve all indicators;
the effectiveness of the management system in relation to the achievement of the certified client’s goals and planned results of the relevant management system.

For any significant non-conformities, the certification body shall set deadlines for corrections and corrective actions. Such actions are implemented and verified before the end of the certification.

If the re-certification activities are successfully completed before the date of completion of the existing certification, the date of completion of the new certification may be based on the date of completion of the current certification. The date of issue on the new certificate must be the same or later than the date of the decision on re-certification.

If the certification body of the management systems of IITK LLC has not completed the re-certification audit or the certification body does not have the opportunity to check the implementation of adjustments and corrective actions for any significant discrepancies before the date of completion of certifications